BIM 42

A new "Products" page

Over the year, I have built a collection of applications around BIM. These tools range from Revit plugins to fully-fledged web applications through small desktop utilities.

I present these tools in a blog post as they come out. But these posts get quickly buried in the (quite alternative) amount of content on this blog.

So I created a new Product page. In this page, you will find all piece of software produced in a neatly organized table.

The Products page

Each solution come with its own page describing it. You will also find here a link to download or open it, a link to the source code if it is available and a list of related blog post.

The Group Clashes page

For now, only 6 applications are available, but I plan on extending that list as I dig out my old developments.

I hope you find something useful in this page, don’t hesitate to ask for more on the comments.

This blog is maintained by Simon Moreau